Million Eyes by C R Berry

What a delight Million Eyes by C R Berry was to read. Don't we all wish we could rewrite history to make sense of the nonsensical events? Berry does just this by having time travellers, albeit with nefarious intent, interfere with famous events from the past that don't quite add up and then makes them do so. 

Berry's narrative is well written with a heady mixture of historical characters, some we know well such as the death of Princess Dianna and others are less well known such as the death of William II. Million Eyes appeals to the voyeuristic side in all of us, we get to be there when events that changed our world occurred. We might not like who we're there with but this does distract from the thrill of 'witnessing' famous historical events.

I also enjoyed the humour, look out for some controversial modern day leaders who make an appearance.

Readers owe Vicky Ward a debt of gratitude for Berry's perseverance with Million Eyes, she obviously knows talent when she sees it.


  1. Thank you so much for your review! Very happy to hear you liked the humour - I'm hoping that gives "Million Eyes" a bit of extra appeal :). Great to have you on the tour.


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